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Pulmonaria Blue Ensign
Pulmonaria Blue Ensign
Lungwort Blue Ensign One of the most dependable and showy Spring flowering plants that provides important early nectar to bees. Pulmonaria Blue Ensign is a compact, clumping deciduous perennial with broad fuzzy dark green leaves. The blue bell-flowers open in clusters from early March until the end of May. Lungwort Blue Ensign is a shade-loving ...
Pulmonaria Diana Clare
Pulmonaria Diana Clare
Lungwort Dianne Clare One of the best Pulmonarias, Dianne Clare is a vigorous semi-evergreen with narrow silvery-green speckled leaves which starts flowering very early in the season from late Winter. The violet blue flowers are a welcome sight at this time of year providing important nectar to bees and other beneficial pollinators. Lungwort Dia...
Ranunculus aquatilis - Common Water Crowfoot (Oxegenator)
Common Water Crowfoot A mat-forming, rather short-lived, aquatic perennial in the buttercup family, native Ranunculus aquatilis will thrive in still or gently flowing water. It is an excellent oxygenator, keeping the pond or stream healthy, as well as providing a refuge for pond-life. The submerged leaves are thread-like, and lobed, kidney-sh...
Rhubarb Timperley Early
Rhubarb Timperley Early
Rhubarb Timperley Early Perhaps the earliest rhubarb cultivar and the best for forcing, Rheum x hybridum Timperley Early is a clump-forming herbaceous perennial with huge green leaves. The stems are thick and deep red at the base, fading to light green with red flecks. The succulent flesh is light green and well-flavoured, and holds together whe...
Rodgersia aesculifolia AGM
Chestnut-leaved Rodgersia A striking architectural perennial for the bog garden, Rodgersia aesculifolia bears beautiful bronze tinted leaves with dark brown veins similar in shape to Horse Chestnut. These exotic looking leaves can be as large as 2 foot wide. Above these, large airy spikes of star shaped, white or pink flowers appear in midsumme...
Rodgersia Henrici Hybrid
Rodgersia Henrici Hybrid
Rodgersia Henrici Hybrid A unique shade-loving giant perennial for the bog garden and damp border. Rodgersia Henrici Hybrids bears bold large fingered leaves in dark green and bronze tints, up to 2ft wide. Large, airy plumes of soft pink to deep rose appear in Summer, followed by pretty seedheads in Autumn which make lovely fresh or dried cut f...
Rudbeckia fulgida American Gold Rush
Rudbeckia American Gold Rush Bred for its resistance to septoria leaf-spot, and wonderful for late-summer colour, Rudbeckia fulgida American Gold Rush is a compact herbaceous perennial with a dome-like, clump-forming habit. The long, slender, slightly hairy leaves are mid-green. From July to September, rich golden-yellow, daisy flowers with bla...
Rudbeckia fulgida Little Goldstar
Black-eyed Susan Little Goldstar A compact, floriferous black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia fulgida Little Goldstar is a herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming, bushy, upright habit, good for small gardens and probably the best rudbeckia for growing in containers. Pointed, toothed, rich green leaves form a dense clump. From June to September, and int...
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii
Deam’s Coneflower A particularly floriferous coneflower, and a little taller than R.f. Goldsturm, Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii is a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial, with an upright habit, which flowers in late summer and autumn. The rather coarse, oval, roughly hairy leaves are deep green. From August to October, the plant carries rich yell...
Rudbeckia laciniata Herbstsonne
Coneflower Herbstsonne The name means ‘Autumn Sun’, perfect for the yellow-rayed flowers of Rudbeckia laciniata Herbstsonne. It’s a tall, imposing, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial which grows up to 6’6”/2m tall, ideal in drifts at the back of a large border or beside a pond. The leaves are divided, and mid-green. In August and September, and...
Sage, Purple
Sage, Purple
Salvia officinalis Purpurascens Purple sage has mounds of dusky purple, felty, aromatic leaves, becoming greener with age, they are edible and can be used in the same way as normal culinary green sage. Lilac-blue flowers appear in Summer and are very attractive to bees. Best grown in sharply drained, fairly poor soil in full sun and a wa...
Salad Burnet
Salad Burnet
Sanguisorba minor (Lus an uille) Salad Burnet is a native herb whose attractive green foliage is used in salads, soups, cheese and fish sauce. Clusters of crimson-red flowers from early summer through to autumn are followed by burred fruit. The leaves have a cucumber-like scent when crushed. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drainedPosition...
Salvia greggii Royal Bumble
Ornamental Sage Royal Bumble An exceptionally long-flowering ornamental sage, Salvia Royal Bumble is a small to medium-sized, shrubby perennial, evergreen if not cut back by frost. It has a compact, bushy habit, making it good for the smaller garden, and the glossy, aromatic leaves are deep green, a lovely foil for the rich red flowers. These ar...
Salvia guaranitica Black and Bloom
Anise-scented Sage Black and Bloom A handsome salvia for the back of a border in very mild areas, Salvia guaranitica Black and Bloom is a tall, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial which forms a mound of rather thick, deep green, wrinkled leaves which are scented of aniseed when crushed. From July to October, showy spikes of moody, deep violet-bl...
Salvia Hot Lips
Salvia Hot Lips
Ornamental Sage Hot Lips Most fittingly named for its luscious scarlet flowers, Salvia Hot Lips is a medium-sized, shrubby perennial, evergreen if not cut back by frost. It has a bushy habit, and the small, ovate leaves are mid-green and aromatic. From June, scarlet, typical sage-type flowers are carried in loose terminal racemes; the flowers ch...
Salvia Love and Wishes
Salvia Love and Wishes
Ornamental Sage Love and Wishes A beautiful, exceptionally long-flowering ornamental sage from the Australian Wish series, Salvia Love and Wishes is a medium-sized, herbaceous perennial, with a neat, upright, bushy habit. The aromatic leaves are pale olive-green. From early June to the first frost in October, magenta, typical sage-type flowers a...
Salvia nemorosa Caradonna
Balkan Clary Caradonna A really good, shorter ornamental sage, Salvia nemorosa Caradonna is a herbaceous perennial with a very upright, clump-forming habit. The narrow, rough, grey-green leaves are pleasantly aromatic. From June to September, spires of violet flowers with pinkish-purple bracts are borne on slender, dark purple stems; the flower...
Salvia nemorosa Ostfriesland
Balkan Clary Ostfriesland A beautiful, robust and long-lived ornamental sage for the front of a sunny border, Salvia nemorosa Ostfriesland is a compact, bushy, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrow, mid-green, pleasantly aromatic leaves. From July to September masses of violet-blue hooded flowers with purple-pink calyces appear on purp...
Sanguisorba officinalis Tanna
Great Burnet Tanna A pretty (and fashionable) cultivar of the rare native Irish great burnet, Sanguisorba officinalis Tanna is a compact, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with blue-green leaves, divided into oblong leaflets. From July to September little bobble-like, deep maroon-red flowers rise above the mound of leaves on slender stems, mak...
Saxifraga fortunei Black Ruby
Fortune Saxifrage Black Ruby An impressive addition to the late flowering planting scheme, Saxifraga fortunei Black Ruby has deep bronze to almost black foliage, turning reddish in Autumn. The stunning dark pink flowers contrast with the dark leathery leaves in September and October. This is a shade-loving, mat forming perennial that will happ...