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Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red AGM
Knotweed Darjeeling Red A versatile clumping perennial that will spread into a semi-evergreen carpet over time. The many, long-lasting, dense flower spikes of Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red blend well in most planting schemes from cottage to exotic, over banks and along a north facing wall. Opening with soft pink in July, the flowers then de...
Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold - Ribbon Grass
Ribbon Grass Pure Gold A beautiful golden grass, Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold is a small, vigorous, cool season, perennial grass, with a tufted, bushy habit. It starts into growth early, spreading by means of stolons, and making good ground-cover where its slightly invasive tendencies don’t matter. The leaves are narrow and a lovely, luminous,...
Phyllostachys aurea
Phyllostachys aurea
Phyllostachys aurea - Golden Bamboo A graceful and beautiful form of bamboo for the larger garden, Phyllostachys aurea is a clump-forming, evergreen, suckering bamboo with brilliant green culms (canes) which turn yellow as they mature in sun. The leaves, 7”/18cm long, are golden-green. Golden bamboo is a tough, very hardy plant, but needs shelte...
Polygonatum multiflorum
Polygonatum multiflorum
Common Solomon’s Seal Naturalised in the wild in NE Ireland, and long cultivated in gardens, Polygonatum multiflorum is an elegant plant for a moist, shady border or woodland or bog garden. It’s a rhizomatous, deciduous perennial, whose long, arching stems carry strongly ribbed, green, ovate to lance-shaped leaves, which all turn the same way, u...
Polypodium vulgare
Polypodium vulgare
Common Polypody A familiar and charming, native Irish fern, Polypodium vulgare will colonise dry-stone walls, and in wetter areas, trees. It’s an evergreen, slowly spreading, mat-forming fern with rather narrow, pointed, divided, deep green, leathery fronds. These are up to 3”/8cm long, often shorter, and are sometimes not divided all the way do...
Polystichum braunii
Polystichum braunii
Braun’s Holly Fern A very attractive fern for shade, Polystichum braunii is an evergreen (semi-evergreen in cold areas) perennial fern with a dense, upright, arching, shuttlecock habit, particularly good in a woodland planting. The narrow, feathery, lance-shaped fronds are very divided, emerging silvery and turning bright green and glossy, with ...
Polystichum munitum
Polystichum munitum
Western Sword Fern From the NW United States, Polystichum munitum is a very large, handsome, evergreen clump-forming fern, with a spreading ‘shuttlecock’ habit and narrow, leathery, dark-green fronds with bristly tips. It is very hardy, robust and reliable, tolerating poor soil and retaining its good looks even in hot, dry weather, and will even...
Polystichum setiferum Herrenhausen
Soft Shield Fern Herrenhausen A beautiful cultivar of the native Irish fern, Polystichum setiferum (Divisilobum Group) Herrenhausen has more finely divided and spreading fronds, forming a pretty, lacy rosette, ideal at the front of a shady border or under trees; it’s also good on steep banks. It’s a clump-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial fern ...
Polystichum setiferum Plumoso-densum
Soft Shield Fern Plumoso-densum Also known as Polystichum setiferum Plumosomultilobum Group, Polystichum setiferum Plumodensum differs from the species in having richly overlapping fronds with overlapping ‘leaflets’, giving a densely feathery (hence the name) appearance. It is a small to medium-sized, semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern, with a s...
Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Group
Soft Shield Fern Proliferum A light, feathery fern, Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Group is a fairly large, evergreen, perennial fern with an upright, mound-forming, shuttlecock habit and lightly arching, overlapping fronds. The fronds are mid-green, flushed purple on the new growth, and doubly divided, giving a feathery appearance. Tolerates ...
Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Wollastonii
Wollaston’s Soft Shield Fern A cultivar of the soft shield fern, Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Wollaston differs from the species in having overlapping fronds, giving a dense, though lacy appearance. It is also smaller. A medium-sized semi-evergreen clump-forming fern, with a spreading ‘shuttlecock’ habit, it has soft, arching, finely divided...
Polystichum tsussimense
Polystichum tsussimense
Korean Rock Fern A diminutive, very hardy fern, Polystichum tsussimense is a clump-forming, evergreen, perennial fern with a very neat, shuttlecock-like habit, ideal at the front of a shady, well-drained border with small, early spring bulbs. The finely divided, narrowly lance-shaped, upright fronds are deep green with a black stem and silvery-w...
Primula bulleyana
Primula bulleyana
Bulley’s Primrose A tall candelabra primrose, Primula bulleyana is a clump-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial with whorls of rich orange flowers, lovely with low, blue- or violet-flowered spring bulbs at the front of a reliably moist border, or in drifts in a bog garden. The almost oblong, primrose-type, mid-green leaves form a neat, ground-cove...
Primula capitata
Primula capitata
Round-headed Himalayan Primrose An unusual little primrose, Primula capitata is a rosette-forming, semi-evergreen, rather short-lived perennial which forms a clump of toothed, oblong to lance-shaped, pale-green, mealy leaves with silvery undersides. Tiny, deep lilac to purple, bell-shaped flowers open in a compact, flattened rosette at the top o...
Primula denticulata var. alba
White Drumstick Primula A really beautiful, white form of the drumstick primrose, Primula denticulata var. alba is a clump-forming, deciduous perennial with finely-toothed, slightly hairy, strap-shaped, pale-green leaves which form a basal rosette. Pure white, flattened, bell-shaped flowers with yellow ‘eyes’ form a spherical ‘drumstick’ at the ...
Primula elatior - Oxslip
Primula elatior - Oxslip
Primula elatior - Oxslip A common perennial, now well-used to Irish wildflower gardens, but originally hailing from boggy pastures used by cattle- hence the common name. Basal rosettes of oval crinkly leaves, with upright stems bearing small clusters of pale yellow flowers of about an inch in size, with darker yellow hearts. They smell of prim...
Primula japonica Postford White
Japanese Primrose Postford White A very good cultivar of the Japanese candelabra primrose, Primula japonica Postford White is a vigorous, rosette-forming, deciduous perennial with wide, spoon-shaped, crinkly-edged, mid-green leaves, up to 10”/25cm long. Saucer-shaped, primrose-like flowers, white with golden-yellow ‘eyes’, are borne in tiers up ...
Primula veris Cabrillo
Primula veris Cabrillo
Cowslip Cabrillo A beautiful, bright yellow, scented cowslip, Primula veris Cabrillo is a small, clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with a rosette of wrinkled, mid-green, primrose-like leaves. In April and May, umbels of charming, fragrant, nodding, cowslip flowers of a brilliant yellow rise above the leaves. Cowslip Cabrillo can grow in a...
Primula vialii
Primula vialii
Vial’s Primrose A striking and very fashionable primrose, originally from China, Primula vialii is a rosette-forming, herbaceous perennial with hairy, oblong to lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Little light violet, bell-shaped flowers open from vivid red buds on conical flower-heads on upright stems, opening from the base upward. Good in drifts f...
Primula x bulleesiana
Primula x bulleesiana
Candelabra Primrose A low clump forming semi-evergreen hybrid perennial. Stunning pastel shades of pink, mauve, salmon, orange, yellow and purple appear in April to May layered in swirling tiers above the low green leaf rosettes. Attractive to both bees and butterflies. Primula bulleesiana is easy to grow in any moist soil and partial shade. It...