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Verbena bonariensis
Verbena bonariensis
Argentinian Vervain Also known as purple top, Verbena bonariensis is a tall, drought-tolerant, herbaceous perennial with a graceful, slender, branching habit, good grouped in a prairie planting or a sunny, dry traditional border, or scattered in a gravel planting. The slender, branching stems are sparsely clad with toothed, oblong, sage-green le...
Wisteria sinensis Prolific
Wisteria sinensis Prolific
Chinese Wisteria Prolific A big, beautiful climber which can transform a house, Wisteria sinensis Prolific is a very large, vigorous, long-lived, deciduous climber which twines anticlockwise round its supports. It is best grown along strong, galvanised wires attached to the wall of a house or through a large, sturdy tree – a pergola would have ...
Acanthus mollis
Acanthus mollis
Bear’s Breeches A wonderfully architectural plant (its leaves were once carved onto the capitals of Greek and Roman columns) Acanthus mollis is a large, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with an upright habit. The big, glossy, mid-green leaves are jagged-edged and dramatic, giving a sculptural effect in the border. From May to August tall spir...
Achillea millefolium Apple Blossom
Yarrow Apple Blossom An easy-to-grow yarrow, ideal for a cool cottage garden planting,, Achillea millefolium Apple Blossom is a small to medium-sized, fast-growing, mildly spreading, rhizomatous perennial, which flowers from all summer if dead-headed. The feathery, very finely divided leaves are grey-green. In summer, the leafy stems carry flat ...
Achillea millefolium Pomegranate
Achillea Pomegranate - Yarrow Grown for its flat heads of unfading deep red flowers, Achillea millefolium Pomegranate is a compact cultivar of ornamental yarrow, noted for its prolonged flowering and uniform flower-heads. It’s a small, fast-growing, herbaceous perennial with a bushy habit and feathery, grey-green leaves. From May to August, lo...
Acorus gramineus Ogon
Acorus gramineus Ogon
Golden variegated slender sweet flag This variegated semi evergreen, grass-like perennial has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps. Foliage is scented when crushed. Will grow on margins above as well as below the water line. Will also do well in containers a...
Agapanthus Arctic Star
Agapanthus Arctic Star
Agapanthus Arctic Star A superb white-flowered agapanthus or African lily, Agapanthus Arctic Star is a long-flowering, evergreen perennial, lovely ranged along the front of a border or in containers at the front of the house. Agapanthus flower best with their roots confined and do very well for years in pots.The strap-shaped leaves are grey-gree...
Agapanthus Double Diamond
Agapanthus Double Diamond
Agapanthus Double Diamond This is a miniature variety of Agapantus with double, pure white blooms. Its flowering spikes are about 20–30cm long. Its prolific blooms and compact size make it ideal for containers. Holds the RHS award for garden merit. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: SummerHardiness: F...
Agapanthus Dr Brouwer
Agapanthus Dr Brouwer
Agapanthus Dr Brouwer A spectacular-looking agapanthus or African lily, Agapanthus Dr Brouwer is a vigorous, semi-evergreen perennial with a clump-forming habit, hardier than many evergreen agapanthus. The strap-shaped leaves are deep green, forming a handsome clump. In July and August, dramatic heads of lilac-blue, tubular flowers rise on deep ...
Agapanthus Fireworks
Agapanthus Fireworks
Agapanthus Fireworks An award-winning bi-coloured agapanthus or African lily, Agapanthus Fireworks is a compact, evergreen perennial, very striking ranged along the front of a border, or grown in containers; agapanthus do very well in pots, as they flower best with their roots congested. The strap-shaped, evergreen leaves are rich green. In July...
Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli
Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli
Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli A long-flowering, dwarf agapanthus from New Zealand, Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli is a clump-forming, evergreen to semi-evergreen perennial, ideal for the small garden. Long, strap-shaped leaves form a tight clump, and will be evergreen in mild areas. In July and August, and into September, big heads of bright blue, tubular fl...
Agapanthus praecox Queen Anne
African Lily Queen Anne Agapanthus praecox Queen Anne is a neat mound forming evergreen perennial with strappy deep rich green leaves. Outstanding, brilliant blue, open bell flowers clustered in a ball on tall stems appear in June, inviting bees and butterflies into the garden. Landscapers favour African Lilies for their easy care and adaptabili...
Agapanthus Windsor Grey
Agapanthus Windsor Grey
Agapanthus Windsor Grey An agapanthus or African lily with a sophisticated, subtle colour, Agapanthus Windsor Grey is a herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming habit. The strap-shaped, arching leaves are deep green, forming a basal clump. From July to September, rounded umbels of tubular flowers rise on tall stems above the clump, palest laven...
Ajuga reptans Black Scallop
Bugle Black Scallop A low growing spreading perennial perfect for carpet forming groundcover over banks and slopes, Ajuga reptans Black Scallop is an easy care, hardy evergreen that will establish almost anywhere providing there is moist soil. Dislikes dry shade. The glossy 'black' scalloped leaves are actually deeply dark purple with hues of br...
Ajuga reptans Catlin's Giant
Bugle Catlin’s Giant A large bugle, good ground-cover for a partially shaded area, Ajuga reptans Catlin's Giant is a small, vigorous, semi-evergreen perennial with a mat-forming habit. The rosettes of leaves are glossy green flushed purplish brown, and persist through the winter in mild areas. From April to August, rich blue flowers with purple-...
Alchemilla mollis
Alchemilla mollis
Lady’s Mantle A clump-forming herbaceous perennial, Alchemilla mollis is so adaptable, low-maintenance and attractive that it can find a place in any garden. It has pretty, pale-green, scalloped leaves with soft, silvery hairs which hold raindrops like little diamonds. In June, sprays of lime-green fluffy flowers appear, gradually turning gold; ...
Allium ursinum
Allium ursinum
Allium ursinum - Wild Garlic A wild relative of chives and native to Europe and Asia, known commonly as Wild Garlic or Ramsons. Allium ursinum carpets damp woodland in April and May with a display of round white, star-shaped flowers and broad long leaves. All parts are edible, the leaves can be eaten in salads or lightly cooked but be sure that...
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Who doesn't know Aloe Vera? It is likely there is at least one skincare product in your household with Aloe Vera on the ingredient list, as the syrupy juice from the leaves is used in skin care products and as a treatment of burns. It originally hails from the Arabian peninsula but is quite happy here, as long as it's k...
Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel
Bog pimpernel Commonly known as bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella forms a dense carpet of tiny evergreen leaves, mixed with numerous rosy pink flowers from late spring to early summer. This spreading, native plant is ideal in a bog garden or very shallow water. Position: Full sunPlanting depth: Grow in the damp margin to level with the water surf...
Anemone blanda Blue Shades
Anemone blanda Blue Shades - Grecian windflower The sapphire blue and purple, daisy-like flowers of Anemone blanda Blue Shades are held on compact stems, up to 10 cms high over low-growing, grey-green, fern-like foliage. These perennial rhizomes naturalise easily between roses and deciduous shrubs. Anemone b. Blue Shades will form large drifts o...