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Conifers - Interesting
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Lagarostrobos franklinii - Huon Pine
Huon pine A beautiful slow growing but long lived conifer, native to Tasmania where it grows in moist soils in high rainfall areas, making it a perfect addition to medium to large Irish gardens. It has an interesting shape which will bring attention to it from whichever angle it is viewed from. With age, it forms a solid stem and long weeping br...
Metasequoia glyptrostroboides Gold Rush
Dawn Redwood Gold rush A must for every arboretum or large garden. Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a beautiful deciduous conifer and a tree worth growing for its many ornamental features. Gold rush is a golden leaved cultivar of the standard Metasequoia. Thought to be extinct and only known from fossil records dating back 100 million years, unti...
Microcachrys tetragona - Creeping Strawberry Pine
Creeping Strawberry Pine A rare and unusual evergreen conifer, Microcachrys tetragona is a fairly hardy dwarf bush with arching branches covered in scale-like leaves. Native to mountainous regions in Tasmania, Australia, fossil records show that it has existed for well over fifty million years. The small but conspicuous male and female flowers a...
Picea abies Cupressina
Picea abies Cupressina
Norway Spruce Cupressina A very narrow Norway spruce found in a German forest, Picea abies Cupressina is a tall, quite fast-growing, evergreen, coniferous tree with a slender, dense, columnar habit, remaining very narrow at the base and forming a strong vertical accent. The dark green needles take on a bluish tinge in colder climates. Areas with...
Picea abies Remontii
Picea abies Remontii
Remont’s Norway Spruce A fine, very dwarf Norway spruce, Picea abies Remontii is a small, slow-growing, evergreen, coniferous tree with a broad, dense, conical habit, with ascending branches. The needles are yellowish-green. Remont’s Norway spruce is a good tree for smaller gardens, despite the fact that the base is so broad. The female cones ar...
Picea breweriana - Brewer's Weeping Spruce
Brewer’s Weeping Spruce A beautiful, elegant spruce tree, Picea breweriana is a medium sized conical tree that becomes broader with age. The main attribute of the Brewer’s Weeping Spruce is the spreading branches that bear long, graceful hanging branchlets. This evergreen foliage is dark green with blue-green tones. Long, green cones are carried...
Picea likiangensis var. rubescens
Balfour’s Spruce A rare, very large conifer from Tibet and western China, Picea likiangensis var. rubescens is a tall, vigorous, evergreen, coniferous tree with ascending branches and grey, scaly, fissured bark. The trunk grows to 39”/1m across. The needles are grey-green, on rather thick, light brown shoots. The cones are lovely, with a netted,...
Picea omorika Aurea
Picea omorika Aurea
Serbian Spruce Aurea A golden form of the Serbian spruce, Picea omorika Aurea is a fairly tall, evergreen, coniferous tree of average vigour, with a fairly narrow, upright, pyramidal habit. Short, drooping branches curve up at the tips, giving a very elegant effect. The needles are abundant, gold as they emerge, then green and blue, giving a sub...
Picea omorika pendula - Weeping Serbian Spruce
Weeping Serbian spruce A pendulous form of the well known Serbian Spruce. As the name suggests, this tall thin spruce originates from Serbia mainly in the Tara mountains. It grows tall and narrow with drooping branches, great for a feature along the skyline in any garden. Like other Spruces, Picea omorika pendula disperses its seed in the Autumn...
Picea pungens Super Blue
Picea pungens Super Blue
Dwarf Colorado Blue Spruce Super Blue A dwarf blue spruce with a beautiful silvery-blue colour, Picea pungens Super Blue is a small, very slow-growing, evergreen tree, with a dense, strongly pyramidal habit and stiff branches. The long, thick needles are a striking silvery-blue. Colorado blue spruce Super Blue is easy to grow, needing little or ...
Pinus mugo Golden Glow
Pinus mugo Golden Glow
Dwarf Mountain Pine Golden Glow A dwarf pine with golden highlights, Pinus mugo Golden Glow is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an upright but rounded, bushy habit. The paired, slender needles are yellow and green in summer, and turn golden yellow in winter, with orange buds, giving a bright splash of colour to the winter garden. Flow...
Pinus mugo Krauskopf
Pinus mugo Krauskopf
Dwarf Mountain Pine Krauskopf A dwarf pine originating in Germany, Pinus mugo Krauskopf is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, low, irregular, spreading habit, with a slightly flattened top as it matures. The paired, quite short needles are fresh mid-green all year round, and distinctly curled – Krauskopf means ‘curly head’. Dwa...
Pinus parviflora Chikuza Goten
Japanese white pine Chikuza goten is a slow and upright growing, broad Japanese white pine. Like most Pinus parviflora cultivars originating from Japan, this is a cultivar suitable for pruning, training, and Bonsai work. It has beautiful bright foliage and will eventually produce cones. Site: Some exposure is fine Soil: Well drained, neutral to...
Pinus peuce - Macedonian Pine
Macedonian Pine, Balkan Pine Native to South Eastern Europe, Pinus peuce is an attractive conifer with many applications. Its glossy deep blue-green foliage, provides a particularly interesting contrast for a larger garden, It eventually bears long (15cm) cones, Ideally planted in a mid sized to larger garden, or a woodland setting, Site: Tole...
Pinus ponderosa - Western Yellow Pine
Western Yellow Pine One of the most widely distributed Pines in North America, Pinus ponderosa conveys beautiful purple pollen cones, It has long needle like foliage, Ideally planted as part of a woodland area or in medium to large gardens. Tolerates wind but not extreme coastal exposure. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Well drained, prefers acid ...
Pinus radiata aurea - Golden Monterey pine
Golden Monterey pine A beautiful bright golden tree to plant in many situations, Pinus radiata aurea is a medium sized tree but growing at a fairly fast rate. Monterey pine has become one of the most planted trees in the world thanks to its fast growth rate, and this is a beautiful example of one of its cultivars which originated over 100 years ...
Pinus strobus fastigiata
Pinus strobus fastigiata
Upright Weymouth pine A beautiful narrow upright growing cultivar of Pinus strobus (also known as Eastern white Pine), the Upright Weymouth Pine is a medium growing tree with beautiful delicate blue foliage and smooth, grey bark when young. This particular cultivar has been in cultivation for well over 100 years. Suitable for small to medium s...
Pinus thunbergii Thunderhead
Pinus thunbergii Thunderhead
Japanese Black Pine Thunderhead A striking and unusual Japanese black pine, Pinus thunbergii Thunderhead is a medium-sized (eventually), slow-growing, evergreen, coniferous tree with an irregular, cloud-like crown and an open, branching habit. The paired, glossy green needles, formed at the tips of the stems, are 5”/12cm long. It sometimes produ...
Pinus wallichiana nana
Pinus wallichiana nana
Dwarf Bhutan pine A beautiful slow growing globose tree perfect for a smaller garden. Pinus wallichiana nana (also known as dwarf Himalayan white Pine) is a small tree with beautiful drooping blue foliage, and smooth grey young bark. Yields attractive long thin cones eventually. Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Well drained, prefers acid but l...
Pinus x densi-thunbergii Jane Kluis
Japanese Red Pine Jane Kluis A natural hybrid dwarf pine, valued for its profuse display of seed-cones and whitish buds in spring, Pinus x densi-thunbergii Jane Kluis is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an often multi-stemmed, globular habit, and a slightly flattened top. It’s ideal for evergreen structure in a smaller garden. Young b...