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Conifers - Interesting
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Platycladus orientalis aurea nana
Dwarf Golden Chinese Arbor-vitae This is one for everyone from the avid collector to the container gardener, Platycladus Orientalis aurea nana, is a beautiful small slow growing conifer, showing off a beautiful colour throughout the year, From a bright golden throughout spring and summer, to a stunning bronze-yellow in winter, Site: Tolerant of...
Podocarpus hallii kiwi
Podocarpus hallii kiwi
Halls totara kiwi A nice little cultivar, which adds an attractive point of interest in a smaller garden. Also known as P. cunninghamii kiwi, it puts on an interesting show of grey green foliage in Spring, ageing to a bright green. Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Well drained, prefers acid but lime is good tooPosition: Full sun, young plants...
Prumnopitys andina - Chilean plum yew
Chilean plum yew An rare conifer that boasts unusual plum-like berries with age. Previously known as Podocarpus andina, it grows to over 10m with multiple stems- similar to our own native Yew. Hailing from the Andes in Chile, it bears green fruit maturing to bright yellow, and is certainly a curiosity for a medium garden. Site: Inland exposure...
Saxegothea conspicua - Prince Alberts Yew
Prince Alberts Yew A Yew-like conifer which is a member of the podocarp family Saxegothea conspicua grows wild in South America, specifically the coastal mountains of Chile and Argentina. With drooping branches, lance-shaped leaves similar to Yew and fleshy spherical cones Prince Alberts Yew makes an attractive slow growing evergreen tree for an...
Sciadopitys verticillata - Japanese Umbrella Pine
Japanese umbrella pine An unusual conifer best known for its attractive spirally arranged foliage, Sciadopitys verticillata is native to mountainous regions of Japan, where it is known as ''koyamaki''. It is known as a living fossil with records dating back over 200 million years,Sciadopitys is becoming a very popular garden plant, suitable for...
Sequoiadendron giganteum Barabits’ Requiem
Giant Redwood Barabits’ Requiem The tree for people who want to grow a giant redwood in their garden! Sequoiadendron giganteum Barabits’ Requiem is far smaller than its lofty relatives, but it will eventually make a medium-sized to tall tree with a light, open crown. It’s a fairly slow-growing, evergreen tree with a very narrow, weeping habit, a...
Sequoiadendron giganteum Glaucum
Giant Redwood Glaucum A smaller, slower-growing form of the giant redwood, Sequoiadendron giganteum Glaucum is a very tall, evergreen, coniferous tree with a narrow, pyramidal habit; the crown becomes more open with age. The trunk is reddish-brown, the bark quite soft and fibrous, and deeply fissured. The scaly, needle-like leaves are a beautifu...
Taxodium mucronatum - Montezuma cypress
Montezuma cypress A medium to large sized deciduous conifer, Taxodium mucronatum is related to the Swamp Cypress. This Mexican Cypress will, in very mild areas, retain some foliage through the winter. The leaves are made up of soft green needles and are held in drooping branches giving the tree elegance. The mature tree can develop huge buttress...
Thuja koraiensis - Korean Arbor vitae
Korean Arbor-vitae or Cedar An evergreen, pyramidal shrubby or small coniferous tree, Thuja koraiensis has foliage that is made up of frond-like sprays that are sea-green or yellow-green in colour above and a silver-white underneath. This, along with a dark brown, peeling bark gives the Korean Cedar a striking appearance. The foliage is very aro...
Tsuga heterophylla - Western Hemlock
Western hemlock An underappreciated tree in Ireland, Western Hemlock is initially slow growing, but when it comes into its own, it achieves a graceful drooping form. Tsuga heterophylla will add character to any garden as it does well in most situations and can also be planted in a shaded understory and treated like a large shrub. Its soft to t...