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Shrubs - Large growing 8ft+
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Azalea mollis Golden Sunset
Azalea mollis Golden Sunset
Azalea Golden Sunset A stunning azalea for the larger garden, Azalea mollis Golden Sunset is a medium-sized to large, deciduous shrub with an upright to spreading habit. The leaves emerge bronze, turning mid-green in summer, then yellow in autumn. Orange-red buds open to pale yellow flowers, tinged orange and with orange throats in May and June....
Azara microphylla
Azara microphylla
Azara microphylla A large, handsome evergreen shrub or small tree with an open habit. Small dark green leaves are arranged in fan like sprays. Tiny yellow, vanilla scented flowers appear in spring. Prefers a sheltered position in sun or light shade as windburn may occur in exposed locations. Azara microphylla likes a deep humus rich soil, but wi...
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae - Barberry A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant fo...
Berberis lologensis Mystery Fire
Barberry Mystery Fire A strong growing, spreading evergreen shrub with arching shoots of glossy dark green leaves which are somewhat variable in shape, usually spiny. Clusters of abundant bright yellow-orange flowers in Spring, flushed on the outside with darker red-orange. Derived from the natural hybrids of Berberis darwinii x Berberis lineari...
Berberis valdiviana
Berberis valdiviana
Chilean Barberry Attractive large, thorny, evergreen shrub with long glossy dark-green leaves. Dense drooping racemes of golden yellow flowers appear in late spring, followed later by ovoid purplish berries. Unusual and scarce, but very desirable. Needs a fairly mild & sheltered location, not suited to very cold areas. Holds the RHS award o...
Berberis vulgaris
Berberis vulgaris
European Barberry A deciduous prickly shrub with green foliage and pendulous racemes of small yellow flowers in Spring and red berries in Autumn. Berberis vulgaris makes a good barrier hedge. For those interested in fruiting and wildlife hedges. Its edible but rather tart berries are abundant in Autumn, are high in Vitamin C and can be eaten raw...
Berberis x ottawensis Superba
Barberry x ottawensis Superba A medium to large sized deciduous shrub with spiny stems and deep reddish purple leaves. Small red-tinged, yellow flowers in late spring followed by red berries in autumn. Good autumn foliage colour, with leaves turning crimson-red. A particularly good and vigorous form. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-draine...
Buddleja colvilei
Buddleja colvilei
Colvile Butterfly Bush An unusual and very desirable buddleja for warmer areas, Buddleja colvilei is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree, with a broad, bushy, upright habit. The long, lance-shaped, pointed leaves emerge quite felted, turning silvery-green, a lovely foil for the flowers. In May and June, the Colvile butterfly bush bears pendul...
Buddleja davidii Royal Red
Butterfly Bush Royal Red A medium to large sized deciduous shrub with lance-shaped greyish green leaves, grey-white underneath. Compact racemes of scented rich purple-red flowers in late Summer. One of the most popular Buddleias for its perpetual flowering habit. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Well drai...
Buddleja davidii White Profusion
Buddleja davidii White Profusion A medium-sized deciduous shrub with long trusses of pure white scented flowers with yellow eyes. Attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early spring, but additional partial pruning can be done after flowering in autumn. Site: Toler...
Callicarpa bodinieri Profusion
Callicarpa bodinieri Profusion This selected form is very free fruiting, with conspicuous clusters of bright violet berries in Autumn. Small pale pink flowers in midsummer. The young foliage is bronze-purple, and makes good material for vases, as do bare branches laden with berries. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Aw...
Calycanthus x raulstonii Hartlage Wine
Carolina Allspice Hartlage Wine A handsome, summer-flowering cultivar of an interspecies hybrid, Calycanthus x raulstonii Hartlage Wine is a medium-sized, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub, with upright to arching branches and a dense, shrubby habit. Broad, glossy, aromatic, mid-green leaves, in pairs along the branches, turn golden-yellow in autum...
Camelia japonica Nuccio's Pearl
Camellia Nuccio’s Pearl A stunning camellia, with white, pink-flushed flowers, Camellia japonica Nuccio’s Pearl is a medium-sized to large, evergreen shrub with a dense, narrow, upright, bushy habit. The ovate to elliptical leaves are glossy and deep green. Medium-sized (8cm across) double, white flowers, with a pink flush, deeper on the outsi...
Camellia Black Lace
Camellia Black Lace
Camellia Black Lace A large, vigorous evergreen shrub with perfect deep red semi-double flowers. Camellia Black Lace has glossy, leathery dark green leaves all year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double red flowers in SpringHa...
Camellia japonica Alba Plena
Camellia japonica Alba Plena
Camellia japonica Alba Plena An evergreen shrub with formal double, pure white flowers. Good glossy dark green foliage. Requires acidic, well drained, humus-rich soil and a sheltered, shady position. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Dou...
Camellia japonica Bonomiana
Camellia japonica Bonomiana
Camellia japonica Bonomiana An upright evergreen shrub with deep green leathery leaves and showy double flowers, light pink spotted with white and pink stripes, that appear from early spring. Camellia japonica Bonomiana is large growing but responds well to pruning to keep it at a smaller size. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well dr...
Camellia japonica Brushfield Yellow
Camellia Brushfield Yellow A large evergreen shrub with medium sized anemone-form flowers, creamy white with primrose yellow petaloids at the centers. Unusual colouring. Camellia japonica Brushfield Yellow has medium upright habbit and compact growth. Glossy green foliage year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus...
Camellia japonica Dr King
Camellia japonica Dr King
Camellia japonica Dr King An evergreen shrub with large, semi-double, rose-red flowers with a gold centre in Spring. Glossy green foliage year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double rose-red flowers in SpringHardiness: Fully har...
Camellia japonica Lady Campbell
Camellia japonica Lady Campbell A compact, upright evergreen shrub with very dark green leaves. Medium sized double rose-red flowers, sometimes with fine white edges. Strong grower. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double rose-red flowe...
Camellia japonica Midnight
Camellia japonica Midnight
Camellia Midnight A beautiful camellia with deep red flowers for the larger garden, Camellia japonica Midnight is a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, bushy habit. The ovate leaves are glossy, deep green, with finely toothed edges. Large, deep red, semi-double to anemone-form flowers, with golden stamens, to 12cm across are borne in early s...