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Ilex crenata Dark Green
Ilex crenata Dark Green
Japanese Holly Dark Green Japanese holly is often grown as a substitute for box in gardens which have suffered from box blight, as it tolerates hard clipping and is ideal for hedging and topiary. Ilex crenata Dark Green is a fairly slow-growing, robust, evergreen shrub or small tree, with an upright habit, ideal for hedging. The small, glossy le...
Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King
Golden variegated holly (female) A popular cultivar of the common holly it is a slow-growing evergreen tree, Holly is tough, and robust enough to handle the harshest of environments, from dark valleys to extreme coastal locations - though it thrives best with the protection of other trees around it. berries only come on female plants, so be sur...
Ilex x Nellie R Stevens
Ilex x Nellie R Stevens
Holly Nellie R Stevens A fairly compact tree, Ilex x Nellie R Stevens is a large, evergreen, flowering shrub with tree-like habit. The spiny leaves are deep green and glossy. Small, single, white flowers appear in summer, and are great for pollinators. The flowers on female plants are followed by masses of red berries if there is a male plant ...
Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow
Leucothoe Rainbow Grown for its beautiful foliage and small cream flowers, Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow is a small to medium-sized, evergreen shrub with narrow, arching branches, striking in a shrub border or in front of dark trees. The long, lance-shaped, glossy leaves are bright green and mottled pink, red and cream. Small white flowers appe...
Lonicera nitida May Green
Shrubby Honeysuckle May Green A compact form of the shrubby honeysuckle, Lonicera nitida May Green is a small to medium-sized, rather slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, upright, spreading habit, ideal for hedging or topiary. The leaves are small, oval, leathery and very bright, glossy green, rather like those of box. If the shrub is not...
Magnolia denudata Sunrise
Magnolia denudata Sunrise
Magnolia denudata Sunrise Ideal as a specimen for the smallest garden or patio, hybrid Magnolia denudata Sunrise is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, open habit. Oval, leathery, mid-green leaves appear in spring. The goblet-shaped flowers are unusual – a soft, creamy white with a distinctive rose-red ‘flame’ on each petal. The blo...
Magnolia stellata
Magnolia stellata
Magnolia stellata Unlike some magnolias, the Japanese species Magnolia stellata will tolerate alkaline soil (though not thin, chalky soils). It’s a medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree with a broad, rounded shape, the best magnolia for smaller gardens. In early spring, lightly scented, white flowers, 4”/10cm across with up t...
Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress
Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress
Mahonia Soft Caress Named for its spine-free leaflets, Mahonia eurybracteata subsp ganpinensis Soft Caress is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with an upright habit, more compact than other mahonias, and suitable for small gardens and container growing. Unlike the almost holly-like leaflets of other mahonias, the finely cut, long, narrow olive-gr...
Melianthus major
Melianthus major
Honey Flower Grown mainly for its sumptuous, deeply divided, glaucous foliage with its heavily toothed edges, Melianthus major is a medium-sized, evergreen sub-shrub with a rather sprawling habit. The leaves smell of peanut butter if rubbed. Small, tubular, maroon flowers are borne in drooping, honey-scented racemes, though usually only in hot s...
Myrtus ugni Ka-pow
Myrtus ugni Ka-pow
Chilean Guava Ka-pow Larger fruit than common Myrtus ugni, Ka-pow also bears fruit on a younger plant. Fragrant soft pink flowers followed by red mini guava fruit that taste like wild strawberries and scented lily of the valley flowers. This is a handsome fruiting shrub with glossy evergreen leaves. An unusual edible named by gardening celebrit...
Myrtus ugni Red Devil
Myrtus ugni Red Devil
Chilean Guava Red Devil An unusual edible, known as Myrtus ugni or strawberry myrtle, Ugni molinae Red Devil is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub of average vigour, with an upright habit and small, rather leathery, deep green leaves. The shrub carries lightly scented red flowers in May and June, followed by small, shiny, red fruits in autumn – sai...
Olearia traversii
Olearia traversii
Daisy Bush A large, bushy evergreen shrub with grey-silver foliage. It is many a coastal dwelling that is protected by this great seaside hedge plant. Olearia traversii is a front line coastal hedge and is a common sight on the wild Atlantic way. It is fast growing and reliable and takes clipping well. Very salt tolerant, Olearia traversii is ev...
Olearia x haastii
Olearia x haastii
Daisy Bush Dense, bushy evergreen shrub with glossy greyish-green leaves that are white-felted underneath. Daisy-like, white, yellow-centred flowers appear in July & August.One of the best choices for a low seaside hedge. Olearia x hastii has small leaves that clip extremely well, its moderate growth rate makes it easy to maintain and even i...
Olearia x mollis Zennorensis
Olearia x mollis Zennorensis
Daisy Bush Zennorensis Found at Zennor in Cornwall as a natural hybrid of the New Zealand species, Olearia x mollis Zennorensis is a medium-sized, quite fast-growing, borderline hardy, evergreen shrub, with a rounded, bushy habit. The narrow, sharply toothed leaves, 4”/10cm long, are olive green with white, downy undersides. In May and June, the...
Philotheca myoporoides
Philotheca myoporoides
Long-leaf Wax Flower A tender, aromatic Australian shrub once known as Eriostemon myoporoides, Philotheca myoporoides has a very long flowering period. It’s a medium-sized to large, quite slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an upright, dense, rounded habit. The oblong to elliptical, deep green leaves, with paler undersides, are highly aromatic, s...
Phormium Cream Delight
Phormium Cream Delight
New Zealand Flax Cream Delight Phormium Cream Delight is one of the smaller growing flaxes with a broad cream-coloured stripe down each leaf. In summer it produces beautiful tall panicles of small, tubular flowers. New Zealand Flax makes an ideal specimen for coastal locations or for low maintenance gardens or for adding foliage interest to urba...
Phormium Platt’s Black
Phormium Platt’s Black
New Zealand Flax Platt’s Black A very compact New Zealand flax cultivar, Phormium Platt’s Black is an evergreen perennial which forms a clump of long arching leaves, striking in a border, but small enough to be grown in containers. The long, sword-shaped leaves are deep purplish black, a wonderful contrast to pink, blue and white summer flower...
Phormium tenax
Phormium tenax
New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax is native to, you guessed it, New Zealand, where the fibre has been widely utilised, originally in M?ori traditional textiles and also in rope and sail making until the 1940’s. Bronzy-red flowers are produced on very tall stems from July to September to a background of strap-like leathery leaves. New Zealand Flax ...
Phormium tenax Purpureum
Phormium tenax Purpureum
Purple New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax has long, leathery foliage with a rich, bronzy-purple colour. Bronze-red flowers are produced on mature plants and carried on very tall stems from July to September. The Purple New Zealand Flax makes an ideal specimen plants for coastal, windy locations. Can be planted in mixed flower and shrub beds to add ...
Photinia x fraseri Red Robin
Photinia x fraseri Red Robin
Red Robin Everyone likes a bit of colour and Photinia Red Robin does not disappoint: a large, dense, evergreen shrub with glossy green and purple-red foliage. Makes an excellent specimen on its own but is most often planted as a hedge. The fresh growth can be anywhere between dark to bright red and can be a welcome sight in Winter and early Spri...