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Stephanandra incisa Crispa
Stephanandra incisa Crispa A low-growing shrub, Stephanandra incisa Crispa Is a small to medium-sized deciduous shrub with a prostrate, thicket-forming, suckering habit and spiny branches. The green leaves turn shades of orange and red in autumn. Greenish-white flowers appear in summer. Prune immediately after flowering to allow maximum growth w...
Viburnum plicatum Dart's Red Robin
Darts Viburnum A fantastic broad spreading cultivar. When young it forms a beautiful upright growing clump, but in a few years it will begin to grow upright, forming an interesting lightly weeping shape. Profuse flowering with white-tinged pink flowers borne in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, giving way to an equally impressive display of deep r...
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus Popular for hedging due to its dense bushy foliage with dark green oval leaves. From Autumn it has an abundance of flattened clusters of small creamy-white flushed with pink star-like flowers, which are produced from Winter through to Spring. Shiny, blue-black berries develop later in the year adding further interest. Its tall gro...
Yucca filamentosa
Yucca filamentosa
Adam’s Needle A small evergreen shrub, Yucca filamentosa develops thick rosettes of grey-green leaves that terminate into a sharp point. The stemless rosettes of leaves stand proud on the ground. Adam’s Needle is aptly named: the sword-like leaves, up to 1m long, have curly filaments along the edge. In July and August, large panicles of creamy-w...
Abeliophyllum distichum
Abeliophyllum distichum
White forsythia A lax, deciduous shrub with forsythia-like, pinkish-white, almond-scented flowers appearing from purplish buds on the bare branches in early spring. These are followed by glossy green oval leaves, which often turn wine-purple in autumn. Branches can be brought indoors in late winter for forcing in vases; they will fill the room w...
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa A large shrub or small tree of the myrtle family that typically matures to 2m to 2.5m and is native to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Acca sellowiana is also known as Feijoa or Pineapple guava. The dark green, evergreen foliage is white and felty underneath and the flowers have waxy, edible, red petals, white ...
Acradenia frankliniae
Acradenia frankliniae
Wirewood A large evergreen shrub native to Tasmanias rainforests, Acradenia franklinae is becoming popular as a garden shrub. Fluffy, fragrant white flowers appear in Spring, and from a distance the evergreen leaves provide an unusual texture. It grows well in difficult damp semi-shaded areas. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Any well-drained soil, ...
Amelanchier alniflora Krasnojarskaja
Serviceberry, Saskatoon A large hardy, North American shrub with excellent blueberry-like fruits, the Russian bred variety Krasnojarskaja produces fruit that is a dark pink to blue color with a refreshing, sweet to slightly sour taste. This hardy shrub is both attractive and productive: white blossom covers the plant in May, followed by a good ...
Amelanchier alnifolia Obelisk
Saskatoon Obelisk A cultivar of the Alder-leaved Amelanchier or Saskatoon, Amelanchier alnifolia Obelisk is a very upright shrub or small tree with good autumn colour, colouring best in acid soil. Pretty, fragrant white blossom in spring is followed by round, red, edible berries which mature to black in June. These cook to a sharp, rich red and ...
Amelanchier alnifolia Smokey
Saskatoon Smokey A cultivar of the alder-leafed amelanchier or saskatoon, Amelanchier alnifolia Smokey has much larger berries than the species, and is grown commercially for its fruit in Canada – it’s the best saskatoon for fruit. It’s a very pretty, small, deciduous tree or large shrub with a suckering habit, and the dark green leaves colour o...
Amelanchier alnifolia Thiessen
Saskatoon Thiessen A beautiful shrub for the smaller garden, Amelanchier alnifolia Thiessen Is a large, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub of average vigour, with an upright, rounded, rather spreading habit, sometimes suckering with age. The oval leaves are deep green, turning a strong yellow in autumn. Beautiful clusters of scented, white flowers a...
Amelanchier canadensis - Service Berry
Serviceberry A dense, upright, suckering, deciduous shrub or small tree with a narrow crown, Amelanchier canadensis is grown for its lovely blossom and autumn colour. It bears loose, upright clusters of white, star-shaped flowers in late spring, followed by purplish-black berries, which are edible, although unexciting. The leaves open bronze, t...
Amelanchier spicata
Amelanchier spicata
Dwarf Serviceberry Please bear with us - we'll be adding a product description soon!
Andromeda polifolia Blue Lagoon
Bog Rosemary Blue Lagoon A low growing shrub, Andromeda polifolia Blue Lagoon is an attractive evergreen with grey-blue foliage similar to common Rosemary, albeit inedible. Related to our common heather, Bog Rosemary carries clusters of beautiful pale pink, bell-shaped flowers in early Summer and is very attractive to bees and butterflies.Site: ...
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree - (Caithne) Thought to be native to the south-west of Ireland, and sometimes called the Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo is also found in Mediterranean countries. It is mainly found in the wild in Co. Kerry especially in the Killarney district where it forms a large part of the natural forest on...
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Dwarf Strawberry Tree A small growing form of the native Killarney strawberry tree. It bears fruit that are rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flowers, in late autumn, taking a year to mature. Glossy, dark green leaves with serrated edges and attractive cinnamon-brown bark, peeling i...
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Red Strawberry Tree A form of the native Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo f. rubra differs from the species only in having deep pink flowers. A small to medium-sized, slow-growing evergreen tree or large shrub, it bears fruit rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flow...
Argyrocytisus battandieri
Argyrocytisus battandieri
Moroccan Broom Also known as the pineapple broom from the scent of its flowers, Argyrocytisus battandieri is a large, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, with an upright habit when young, later more spreading. The grey-green leaves are divided into three, and covered in pale, silky hairs when young. Soft yellow flowers, strongly scented of pinea...
Aronia melanocarpa
Aronia melanocarpa
Black Chokeberry Upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with alternate, dark green glossy leaves which turn red in autumn. Heads of star shaped white, sometimes pink-flushed, flowers in late spring followed by drooping clusters of black berries in autumn. The fruit is very astringent, rich in pectin so good for making into jam, berries are best...
Aronia melanocarpa Professor Ed
Black Chokeberry Professor Ed A deciduous shrub with small white flowers Aronia Melanocarpa bears plentiful, very nutrient-rich, black berries. The berries are very astringent which gives it the name Black Chokeberry. 'Professor Ed' is a compact version more suitable for smaller spaces, but remove suckers to prevent unwanted spreading. Best fr...