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Physocarpus opulifolius Diable D'Or
Physocarpus opulifolius Diable D'Or A purple-leaved cultivar of the North American species, Physocarpus opulifolius Diable D'Or is a medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub with a spreading, bushy, suckering habit and arching brown branches. The small, maple-like leaves are a rich purplish-wine colour, wonderfully setting off the small, scen...
Pieris japonica Forest Flame

Pieris japonica Forest Flame
Pieris Forest Flame Pieris japonica Forest Flame is well known for its foliage and flowers, and native to the mountain thickets of eastern China, Taiwan, and Japan. In Spring, Forest Flame has vivid red young leaves that mature to green. In May and June, large bunches of white, lily-of-the-valley type flowers on large branched clustered cover th...
Pieris japonica Little Heath

Pieris japonica Little Heath
Dwarf Variegated Pieris Well-known for its fantastic spring foliage and flowers. In Spring, Pieris japonica Little Heath has vivid red young leaves that mature to a light variegated green. In May and June, bunches of white, lily-of-the-valley type flowers on large branched clustered cover this reliable shrub. Good option for large pots. Site: S...
Pittosporum tenuifolium

Pittosporum tenuifolium
Pittosporum tenuifolium A popular evergreen glossy leaved shrub growing as a tall broad column. Its leaves have appealing wavy margins. Small, honey-scented deep purple flowers open in clusters in late spring and early summer, followed by hard round seed cases which begin to open in early Autumn, revealing small black seed covered in a sticky ye...

Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb
Pittosporum Tom Thumb A popular evergreen shrub. For most of the year it has dark purple leaves, contrasted beautifully by bright-green fresh growth. Growing as a short rounded bush, Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb is a must for any low maintenance garden, it tolerates dry summers and damp winters, and never really needs much care. Site: ?Tole...

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia - Cherry Laurel
Cherry Laurel A fast growing and reliable evergreen hedge. The large glossy leaves of Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia are a common sight across Ireland and it is its speed of growth and its reliability that make this Laurel an easy choice. Great for a quick screen, it has a bushy, wide-spreading habit and is also good where shade is an issue. T...

Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia AGM - Portugal Laurel
Portugal Laurel - Angustifolia Grown as a Tree A large evergreen shrub or small tree, a relatively slow growing form with good bushy foliage of glossy dark green leaves on red stems. Spikes of small fragrant white flowers appear in late Spring on unclipped plants. Eventually, makes a dense conical tree if left unpruned. Grown as a Hedge Prunus l...
Pyracantha coccinea Red Column

Pyracantha coccinea Red Column
Pyracantha coccinea Red Column - Firethorn Red Column is an upright form of Pyracantha. This is a tough dense prickly shrub that will readily train up a wall or trellis and can also make an impenetrable hedge. It bears white blossom in summer and generous quantities of red berries in Autumn and into Winter. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well...

Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion
Pyracantha Red Cushion A compact shrub, ideal for the smaller garden, Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion Is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded, mound-forming habit and thorny branches. The small, pointed leaves are deep green. Thick clusters of single, white flowers appear in spring on the previous year’s growth, and are perfect...
Pyracantha Golden Charmer

Pyracantha Golden Charmer
Pyracantha Golden Charmer - Firethorn Pyracantha has been a favourite plant for a long time because it presents a low-maintenance plant that can grow almost anywhere. This variety has glossy green foliage and small white flowers that are followed by yellow berries that darken as they age. Pyracantha Golden Charmer is an easy plant to train up a ...
Pyracantha Orange Glow

Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow - Firethorn Orange Glow is a vigorous orange-berried form of Pyracantha with a more erect habit than other varieties. These tough prickly shrubs are easy to grow and train readily up a wall or other support and also make a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the orange berries that follow...
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or

Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or - Yellow Firethorn This is a yellow-berried form of Pyracantha. Pyracantha Soleil d’Or is an easy plant to train up a wall or other support and also makes a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the berries provide a bright display of yellow as well as food for birds in the winter. Pyracant...

Rhamnus cathartica - Purging Buckthorn
Purging buckthorn (Paide bréan) A bushy, deciduous shrub that is native to Ireland, parts of Europe and much of Asia. Rhamnus cathartica has bright green glossy foliage and bears tiny green-white flowers which are very attractive to bees; the flowers are followed by shiny red berries that eventually turn black in the Autumn. It has a suckering n...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Tree & Shrub
RHS Empathy After Plant Evergreen Empathy AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN is ideal for Buxus (box), Bay trees, Camelias, Yew, Conifers and all types of evergreen hedging or garden plants. Plants in the Ground: Apply 1-2 handfuls (25 – 50g) around the base of the plant, lightly worked into the soil and water well. for larger established plants apply 2 hand...
Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi

Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi
Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi RHS Empathy rootgrow™ contains mycorrhizal fungi which naturally increase nutrient and water uptake by forming a highly efficient secondary root system. It is completely natural and plant-friendly fungi suitable for use on flowering plants, trees, shrubs and edibles. One application will support a plant for its entir...
Rubus Betty Ashburner

Rubus Betty Ashburner
Chinese Bramble Betty Ashburner Good robust groundcover for difficult spots including banks and shade. Rubus ‘Betty Ashburner’ is a prostrate evergreen type of Raspberry with reddish bristles on the stems and shoots which will spread indefinitely, rooting as it goes, albeit less vigorous than Rubus tricolour. It has lobed, wavy-edged, glossy gre...
Sorbus Burka

Sorbus Burka
Rowan Burka A hybrid between an Aronia and a Sorbus, this rare rowan is grown for its big edible berries and its lovely autumn colour. Sorbus Burka is a vigorous, deciduous shrub with a bushy habit. The large leaves are divided into many good-sized leaflets, emerging green but turning a magnificent red in autumn. Flat corymbs of unscented, crea...
Spiraea japonica Firelight

Spiraea japonica Firelight
Spiraea firelight Small deciduous shrub with bright red-orange young foliage, ageing to yellow and green. Good red autumn colour. Clusters of small deep mauve-pink flowers in early summer. Site: Needs some shelterPosition: Full sun, Part shade Soil: Well drained, moist, Neutral to Acid, Seasons of interest: Spring flowers, Autumn colourHardi...

Spiraea japonica Little Princess
Spiraea Little princess Compact dwarf shrub with soft green foliage and small heads of pale pink flowers in summer. Good yellow autumn colour. Perfect plant for any garden, low maintenance, easy impact. Site: Needs some shelterPosition: Full sun, Part shade Soil: Well drained, moist, Neutral to Acid, Seasons of interest: Spring flowers, Autum...
Spiraea nipponica June Bride

Spiraea nipponica June Bride
Spiraea June Bride Very popular woody shrub that is great for any garden. Clusters of white flowers are carried all along the upper sides of densely leafy, arching stems in April to June. Reliable and free flowering, making this a spectacular shrub at its peak in early Summer. Site: Any inland sitePosition: Full sun, dappled shade Soil: Well d...