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Shrubs - Spring Interest
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Garrya elliptica James Roof
Garrya elliptica James Roof
Silk Tassel Bush James Roof A particularly good male cultivar of the silk tassel bush, with much longer catkins than the species, Garrya elliptica James Roof is a large, vigorous, evergreen shrub with a bushy, upright habit. The leathery, ovate to elliptical, deep green leaves have wavy edges. Clusters of long (8”/20cm) silky, silvery-grey catki...
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Canberra Gem
Spider Flower Canberra Gem A hardier cultivar of the Australian species, Grevillea rosmarinifolia Canberra Gem is a vigorous, medium-sized, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit, grown for its striking flowers and exotic appearance. The leaves are rosemary-like, but longer, deep green above, pale below, and with a sharp tip. Clusters of large, de...
Hamamelis x intermedia Jelena
Witch Hazel Jelena One of the best hybrid witch hazels, Hamamelis x intermedia Jelena is a large, deciduous vase-shaped shrub with tiered branches and a graceful, spreading habit, an ideal winter-flowering shrub for the larger garden. Broad, bright green, rather hazel-like leaves turn rich shades of orange, red and yellow in autumn. Curious, spi...
Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii
Shrubby Veronica Sutherlandii A dwarf variety of shrubby veronica ideal for the smaller garden in milder areas, Hebe pinguifolia Sutherlandii is a small, evergreen sub-shrub with a low, mound-forming habit, denser and rounder than that of Hebe pinguifolia Pagei. Small, lustrous, silvery-green leaves give year-round, ground-covering interest. In ...
Hydrangea paniculata Early Sensation
Hydrangea Early Sensation A very compact paniculata hydrangea, discovered as a chance seedling in the Netherlands, Hydrangea paniculata Early Sensation is a small, bushy, deciduous shrub which starts flowering very early and continues for three months. The large, fluffy, conical flower-heads open clear white, ageing to reddish-pink. Flowers fro...
Kerria japonica Pleniflora
Kerria A very easy, familiar plant, often seen in cottage gardens, Kerria japonica Pleniflora is a vigorous, suckering, medium-sized, deciduous shrub, throwing up a mass of elegant green stems, very attractive in winter. The oval leaves are light green, with prominent veins and toothed edges. In mid-spring the bush is smothered with egg-yolk ye...
Leptospermum scoparium Apple Blossom
New Zealand Tea Tree Apple Blossom A frost-hardy shrub for very mild areas, Leptospermum scoparium Apple Blossom is a tall, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit and arching branches. The green leaves are narrowly elliptical and needle-like, and are sometimes tinged pink, particularly in cold weather. From April to July there’s a strong flush of ...
Leucothoe fontanesiana Zeblid (Scarletta)
Leucothoe Zeblid (Scarletta) Smaller than the better known Leucothoe Rainbow, Leucothoe fontanesiana Zeblid (Scarletta) is a small, evergreen shrub with arching branches and a dense, weed-suppressing habit, grown for the brilliance of its young and autumn foliage. The glossy, lance-shaped leaves, smaller than those of Leucothoe Rainbow, emerge b...
Leucothoe keiskei Burning Love
Leucothoe Burning Love Grown for its wonderful foliage, Leucothoe keiskei Burning Love is a small, low-growing, evergreen shrub ideal for containers or as ground-cover under other shrubs. The long, narrow, pointed, glossy leaves emerge rich burgundy-red, turning green in summer and then purple or scarlet in late autumn and winter. Insignificant ...
Ligustrum japonicum Texanum
Japanese privet Texanum A more compact cultivar of the species, with bigger, fleshier leaves, Ligustrum japonicum Texanum is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen shrub with an upright habit. It is often used for hedging or informal topiary as it responds well to clipping. The oval, glossy, mid-green leaves are thicker and waxier than the sp...
Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue
Purple Gromwell Heavenly Blue A lovely plant for ground cover or the rock garden, Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue is an evergreen perennial with a prostrate, creeping, mat-forming habit. The small, hairy, grey-green leaves make a perfect foil for the intensely deep blue, star-shaped flowers, which are 12mm across and are borne from late spring ...
Lonicera crassifolia
Lonicera crassifolia
Creeping honeysuckle A spreading, shrubby honeysuckle, Lonicera crassifolia is an evergreen shrub with a low, mound-forming habit. The small, round, leathery dark green leaves are borne on bristly shoots. Small, yellow and cream, tubular flowers, scented, and with prominent stamens, are carried in the leaf-axils from May to July, and are sometim...
Lonicera x purpusii
Lonicera x purpusii
Winter honeysuckle A gorgeously scented hybrid honeysuckle for the winter garden, Lonicera x purpusii is a large, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub with a bushy habit, needing no support. The oval mid-green leaves will persist over winter in milder areas. Cream-coloured, tubular flowers with prominent yellow anthers and an intense scent are bor...
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance
Loropetalum Fire Dance A very ornamental cultivar of the species variant, Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance is a small, evergreen shrub with a rounded, bushy habit, ideal for a smaller, sheltered garden. The ovate leaves emerge pinky-purple, deepening to a rich plum-purple all year, although sometimes turning greener in summer. Bright ...
Magnolia denudata Yellow River
Yulan Magnolia Yellow River A new variety from China, and also known as Fei Huang, Magnolia denudata Yellow River is a small, slow-growing, deciduous tree, lovely as a specimen tree for small and city gardens. The large, upright, goblet-shaped flowers emerge pale buttery yellow from yellow buds, turning primrose-yellow but remaining yellow at th...
Magnolia Fairy Blush®
Magnolia Fairy Blush®
Magnolia Fairy Blush® A lovely spring-flowering magnolia for smaller gardens, Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'® is a fairly fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub with a compact, bushy habit. The ovoid, glossy, deep green leaves are evergreen in milder areas, but may fall in cold winters. From March to May, masses of beautiful, shell-pink, lightly scented, bo...
Magnolia Fairy White®
Magnolia Fairy White®
Magnolia Fairy White A beautiful, mainly spring-flowering magnolia, ideal for smaller gardens, Magnolia Fairy White ® is a fairly fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub with a compact, rounded, bushy habit. The ovoid, glossy, deep green leaves are evergreen in milder areas, but may fall in harsh winters. From March to May, russet buds open to pure ...
Magnolia liliiflora Nigra
Magnolia liliiflora Nigra
Black Lily Magnolia A really good magnolia cultivar for acid or neutral soils, Magnolia liliiflora Nigra is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright habit, eventually becoming a multi-stemmed tree; it is suitable for a smaller garden. The elliptical leaves are a glossy deep green, up to 9”/20cm long. The erect, tulip-shaped flowers are a ...
Magnolia liliiflora x campbellii Star Wars
Magnolia Star Wars A splendid, long-flowering, repeat-flowering, hybrid magnolia, the parents being M. liliiflora and M. campbellii, Magnolia liliiflora x campbellii Star Wars is a small, fast-growing tree, with a branching, spreading, airy, rather shrubby habit. The long, leathery leaves are deep green with paler undersides, turning yellow-bro...
Magnolia Ricki
Magnolia Ricki
Magnolia Ricki A late-flowering hybrid magnolia, though not for the coldest areas, Magnolia Ricki is a slow-growing, compact, rounded, deciduous shrub or small tree. The oval, mid-green leaves turn yellow to coppery-bronze in autumn, giving a second season of interest. The fragrant, cup-shaped, deep carmine flowers, paler inside and 5”/12cm acro...