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Shrubs - Spring Interest
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Magnolia stellata Royal Star
Magnolia stellata Royal Star A double-flowered cultivar of the species, Magnolia stellata Royal Star is a medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree with a broad, rounded shape, ideal specimen for smaller gardens. In early spring, pale pink buds open on the bare branches to lightly scented, white flowers 4 ½ ”/12cm across, with u...
Magnolia Susan
Magnolia Susan
Magnolia Susan Perhaps the best of the Little Girl magnolia series, Magnolia Susan is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, upright habit, perfect for small gardens. Deep wine-coloured buds open into fragrant, deep crimson-purple, initially narrow, tulip-shaped flowers, with six slightly twisted tepals, paler inside. They are borne on th...
Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba
Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba Probably the best of the white saucer magnolias, Magnolia soulangeana Lennei Alba is a large, moderately vigorous, deciduous shrub with a spreading habit. The medium-sized, mid- to deep green leaves are almost oblong with a pointed tip. The waxy, saucer-shaped flowers,, are a soft creamy white and appear early ...
Nandina domestica Obsessed
Nandina domestica Obsessed
Heavenly Bamboo Obsessed Despite appearances, Nandina domestica Obsessed is not a bamboo, but a member of the Berberis family. Grown for its colourful spring and autumn foliage, Heavenly Bamboo is a small, evergreen shrub with a graceful, upright habit and slender stems. Bamboo-like leaves emerge brilliant red, turning green in summer and a lov...
Osmanthus burkwoodii
Osmanthus burkwoodii
Burkwood Osmanthus A slow growing, large evergreen shrub. Osmanthus x burkwoodii has small, dark green leathery leaves and in April and May, clusters of small white and exceptionally fragrant flowers are produced in abundance- a prized plant for any garden. Burkwood Osmanthus is ideal for mixed shrub beds or as a specimen plant but it definitely...
Osmanthus delavayi
Osmanthus delavayi
Delavay Osmanthus Osmanthus delavayi is an evergreen shrub native to southern China, originally brought to the West by the Jesuit missionary-botanist Fr Pierre Jean Marie Delavay. Only a single seed germinated from that first haul and for the first 150 years, all Osmanthus Delavayi were cloned from this one source. Osmanthus delavayi is covered ...
Philadelphus coronarius Aureus
Mock Orange Aureus A good shrub to light up dappled shade, Philadelphus coronarius Aureus is a medium-sized to large, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy habit. Small, oval leaves emerge bright yellow in spring and turn lime-green in summer. In mid-summer the bush is covered in cup-shaped creamy-white flowers with golden stamens, 2.5 cm acros...
Phormium Apricot Queen
Phormium Apricot Queen
New Zealand Flax Apricot Queen A compact form of New Zealand flax with wonderful colouring, Phormium Apricot Queen is an evergreen perennial forming a medium-sized clump of long, arching leaves, a striking structural plant for even small gardens. The long, sword-shaped leaves are creamy yellow tinted with apricot and striped longitudinally in b...
Pieris japonica Debutante
Pieris japonica Debutante
Pieris debutante Well known for its gorgeous foliage and flowers; native to the mountain thickets of eastern China, Taiwan, and Japan. In Spring, debutante has glossy green leaves, but from May to July it sports large bunches of white, lily-of-the-valley type flowers on large branched clusters. A reliable shrub. Site: Sheltered sitesSoil: Well d...
Pieris japonica Flaming Silver
Pieris Flaming Silver Grown for its brilliant young leaf-colour and pretty little flowers, Pieris japonica Flaming Silver is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an upright habit. The leathery, deeply divided leaves emerge flaming scarlet, turning deep green edged with silvery white, lighting up a partially shaded border or woodland plant...
Pieris japonica Katsura
Pieris japonica Katsura
Pieris Katsura A new, compact form of this acid-loving species, Pieris japonica Katsura is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a shapely, upright habit. The strongly divided leathery leaves emerge a most beautiful wine-colour, turning deep, glossy green; new wine-red growth appears throughout the season. In spring, deep red buds open to ...
Pieris japonica Mountain Fire
Pieris Mountain Fire A long-established, larger cultivar of this acid-loving species, Pieris japonica Mountain Fire is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an upright, rounded habit. The heavily divided leathery leaves emerge bronze-red, turning coppery and finally a deep, glossy green. In spring, panicles of small, cream-coloured ...
Pieris japonica Passion
Pieris japonica Passion
Pieris Passion A new, taller cultivar of this acid-loving species, Pieris japonica Passion is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a bushy habit, ideal for the back of a border or a woodland planting. The dark green, glossy, leathery leaves are flushed red in spring, and are particularly attractive. In spring, masses of red, urn-sh...
Pieris japonica Ralto
Pieris japonica Ralto
Pieris ralto Well-known for its fantastic spring foliage and flowers. In Spring, Pieris japonica ralto has light red-pink young leaves that mature to a dark variegated green. In May and June, bunches of scarlet red, bell-like flowers on large branched clusters cover this reliable shrub. Good option for large pots. Site: ShelteredSoil: Well drain...
Pieris japonica Sarabande
Pieris japonica Sarabande
Pieris Sarabande Well-known for its gorgeous foliage and flowers; native to the mountain thickets of eastern China, Taiwan, and Japan. In Spring, Sarabande has glossy green leaves, but from May until July it sports large bunches of white, lily-of-the-valley type flowers on large slightly drooping branched. Reliable shrub.Site: ShelteredSoil: Wel...
Pittosporum tenuifolium Elizabeth
Pink Variegated Pittosporum A popular evergreen grey-green leaved shrub growing as a tall broad column. Its leaves have appealing cream/pink tinged margins while small honey-scented deep purple flowers open in clusters in late spring and early summer. Pittosporum tenufolium Elizabeth can also be grown as part of a hedge in coastal locations. It ...
Pittosporum tenuifolium Gold Star
Pittosporum Goldstar Compact bushy evergreen shrub. Attractive foliage with ovate wavy leaves that are dark green with conspicuous pale midribs when mature. This contrasts with the young spring growth which is bright golden green on reddish branchlets. Site: Tolerates coastal winds Soil: Prefers well drainedPosition: Full sun, part shadeSeason...
Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen
Pittosporum Silver Queen A lovely shrub for seaside and other mild areas, Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen is a large, evergreen shrub with a bushy habit. The rounded, grey-green leaves on fine black stems have beautiful, narrow, irregular white margins, giving a light, mobile appearance to the shrub. In spring and summer, clusters of small,...
Polylepis australis
Polylepis australis
Polylepis australis - Tabaquillo Quite unusual in cultivation, Polylepis australis is native to Central Argentina. It fits well into most gardens that have a little elbow room. Generally, its flowers are quite unimpressive but its best attraction is its rolls of loose, paper-like exfoliating brownish bark, which makes a fantastic feature. That,...
Poncirus trifoliata
Poncirus trifoliata
Japanese bitter orange Quite rare as a garden shrub, Poncirus trifoliata is deciduous with distinct leaves on green stems with long thorns, but its main draw is it fantastically scented flowers in late spring followed by orange/green coloured mandarin sized fruit which have an attractive downy coating and hang on the tree well into Winter. Due t...