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Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna Red
Lenten Rose Double Anna Red One of the new hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna Red is an evergreen perennial, a beautiful addition to the winter border, lovely with bulbs, pulmonarias and other early perennials. The dark-green leaves are deeply divided into three leaflets. In late winter and early spring, Lenten rose Double Anna...
Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna White
Lenten Rose Double Anna White A new hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna White is an evergreen perennial and a beautiful addition to the winter garden. In late winter and early spring, Hellebore Double Anna White bears beautiful large frilly double white flowers that are lightly freckled with dark maroon spots and are held above ...
Helleborus x hybridus Lady Series
Oriental Hellebore Lady Series A variety of mixed colours in early spring for the shady woodland garden. Colours vary from white, yellow, red, purple and pink, with possible spotting in a large cup-shaped flower, making Oriental Hellebore Lady Series the perfect choice for brightening a dark corner early in the season. Helleborus x hybridus La...
Helleborus x hybridus Pretty Anna Pink
Lenten Rose Pretty Anna Pink One of the new, very pretty, hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus Pretty Anna Pink is a vigorous evergreen perennial with a neat habit, a wonderful addition to the winter border or under deciduous trees. The dark-green leaves are deeply divided into three, forming a neat clump. Lenten rose Pretty Anna Pink has lo...
Helleborus x hybridus Pretty Anna Spotted
Lenten Rose Pretty Anna Spotted One of the new, very pretty, hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus Pretty Anna spotted is a vigorous evergreen perennial with a neat habit, a wonderful addition to the winter border or under deciduous trees. The dark-green leaves are deeply divided into three, forming a neat clump. Lenten rose Pretty Anna Spott...
Helleborus × ericsmithii Winter Sunshine
Lenten Rose Winter Sunshine A 2007 introduction from England's Harveys Garden Plants, Hellebrous Winter Sunshine is a clump-forming, semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial that will grow up to 45cm high. It has glossy dark olive-green leaves with pewter-grey veins and it flowers from late winter to early spring. The flowers have green centres and l...
Armoracia rusticana Horseradish is a common sight in the wild in Ireland if you know where to look. It's a perennial from the Brassica family, with a long tap root and very eager to spread - keep this in mind when you plant it. The large bright-green leaves resemble those of dock, and in early summer it will bear small white flow...
Hosta August Moon
Hosta August Moon
Hosta August Moon A large, handsome hosta or plantain lily, Hosta August Moon is a herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming habit, grown mainly for its stunning leaves. These are broad, thick, pointed and deeply ridged, and emerge yellow-green, maturing to a gorgeous, light-reflecting gold. The thick leaves of this hosta allow it to tolerate fu...
Hosta Blue Angel
Hosta Blue Angel
Hosta Blue Angel A big, Sieboldiana-type hosta or plantain lily, Hosta Blue Angel is a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial, beautiful in a moist, partially-shaded site. A clump of magnificent, heavily-textured, puckered, blue-grey leaves, 40cm long with wavy edges, gives interest from spring to autumn, and eventually forms a large mound. In sum...
Hypericum elodes - Marsh St John's-wort
Hypericum elodes This is a very pretty member of the St John’s-wort family, a native but not very widespread in Ireland. Hyperiocum elodes has downy, heart shaped leaves and clusters of pale yellow flowers in summer. Creeping habit, with stolon-like node-rooting runners and erect stems. Provides good habitat for pond creatures. Position: Full su...
Hypericum tetrapterum
Hypericum tetrapterum
Square-stalked St. John’s Wort (Beathnua fireann) This native perennial is easily recognizable by - you guessed it - its square stems with distinctive ‘wings’ at the corners. Its oval leaves have translucent dots and the flowers are yellow, blooming from June to September. It will happily inhabit the damper areas in your garden, along ponds for ...
Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop is a great plant in every way. It will attract many a pollinator to the garden, and bee keepers use it to obtain a rich and aromatic honey. The beautiful purplish-blue flowers will brighten up any border in Summer and early Autumn, and the leaves have a strong mint-like scent - the French liqueur Chart...
Iris chrysographes Black Form
Iris Chrysographes Black Form From marshy sites in China and Myanmar, Iris chrysographes Black Form is a small, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial with particularly dark flowers. Slender, sword-like, grey-green leaves make an attractive foil to the velvety, exceptionally dark, violet-black flowers, which have a delicate golden streak on the falls....
Iris louisiana Black Gamecock
Louisiana Iris Black Gamecock Stunning, giant, deep purple, near black blooms adorn this beautiful Iris. As with all louisiana Iris, ‘Black Gamecock’ is ideal for the pond as it loves plenty of moisture. This Iris is excellent for cut flowers. The tubers are harmful if eaten. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Damp soil to 20cm (8’...
Iris sibirica - Siberian Flag Iris
Siberian Flag Iris Iris sibirica is an attractive, free flowering Iris with long lasting deep blue flowers. Despite been commonly known as the Siberian Flag Iris, it is a native of Europe, not Siberia. Equally at home in moist or dry soils. As with all Iris the tubers are harmful if eaten. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Dry to d...
Iris sibirica Blue King - Siberian Flag Iris
Siberian Iris Blue King Actually from SE Europe, but super-hardy, Iris sibirica Blue King is a clump-forming, vigorous, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial, with a very upright, but spreading habit – it needs space to spread out. The narrow, almost grassy leaves, 18”/45cm long, are grey-green to mid-green. In May and June, the branched stems carry...
Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar
Iris Butter and Sugar A good plant for a reliably moist border, and lovely reflected in a pool, Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar is a shorter and more delicate cultivar than most Siberian irises. It’s a spreading, clump-forming, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial with lots of very slender, upright, grey-green leaves. The large flowers, produced in m...
Iris sibirica Ruffled Velvet
Iris Ruffled Velvet A good plant for a reliably moist border and lovely beside water, Iris sibirica Ruffled Velvet is a clump-forming, spreading, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial with lots of slender, grass-like, bright green leaves, more compact than most Siberian irises. The sumptuous flowers, borne in May and June on tall, branched, upright ...
Juncus effusus var. spiralis - Corkscrew Rush
Corkscrew rush It is easy to see how this plant got its common name, Corkscrew Rush. This evergreen is a must have for any small pond. It has an unusual cork screw twist to the cylindrical foliage. Although evergreen, cutting it back in early spring encourages fresh new growth. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Damp soil to 10cm (4...
Kirengeshoma palmata AGM
Kirengeshoma palmata AGM
Palmate Kirengeshoma, Yellow Wax Bells Yellow Wax Bells is an lovely foliage perennial, forming mounds of layered maple-like leaves from spring onwards. The yellow waxy tubular bell flowers appear above the carpet of foliage in late summer and continue into Autumn, when the foliage turns yellow. Great cut flowers and an interesting architectural...