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Kniphofia caulescens
Kniphofia caulescens
Caulescent Red-hot Poker A handsome, architectural red-hot poker grown for its striking flowers and attractive leaves, Kniphofia caulescens is a clump-forming, evergreen perennial with narrow, sword-like, grey-green leaves. The fat ‘poker’ flower-heads, borne from late summer to autumn on tall, very sturdy stems, are a beautiful, deep coral-red,...
Kniphofia Papaya Popsicle
Red-hot Poker Papaya Popsicle A new cultivar of red-hot poker grown for its compact size, early, long flowering and brilliant colour, Kniphofia Papaya Popsicle is a clump-forming, semi-evergreen to evergreen perennial with arching, sword-like, deep green leaves. The ‘poker’ flower-heads, borne from early summer into autumn on tall, sturdy stems,...
Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco
Red-hot Poker Flamenco A vivid red-hot poker grown for its striking flowers and its ability to flower in its first year, Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco is a compact, clump-forming, evergreen perennial with strap-shaped, grey-green leaves. The splendid ‘poker’ flower-heads, borne from summer to early autumn on sturdy stems, open brilliant orange-red, ...
Kniphofia uvaria Royal Castle
Red-hot Poker Royal Castle A magnificent red-hot poker grown for its striking ‘poker’ flower-heads, Kniphofia uvaria Royal Castle is a clump-forming, evergreen to semi-evergreen perennial with strap-shaped, deep green leaves. The splendid flower-heads, borne from late June to August on sturdy stems, open brilliant fiery red, slowly fading from ...
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Melissa Officinalis Lemon Balm is a common herb from the Mint family seen all over in gardens in Ireland and has indeed been cultivated since the 16th century. When crushed, the scalloped, ovate leaves of this bushy perennial will release a mild citrus scent. 'Melissa' is Greek for 'honey bee' and the pollinators do love the nect...
Leucanthemum vulgare
Leucanthemum vulgare
Ox-eye Daisy, Marguerite (Nóinín mór) Everybody knows this native wildflower, indeed it is known to brighten up many a roadside. You may add the young leaves to your summer salads anytime from June to September, when this plant shows off its large white daisy flowers with yellow hearts, sitting on long upright stems springing from basal rosettes...
Libertia caerulescens (Orthrosanthus laxus)
Libertia caerulescens (Orthrosanthus laxus) Libertia caerulescens is an unusual evergreen perennial with pale green, upright, linear foliage and clusters of numerous pale blue flowers in late spring or early summer that are followed by glossy, light brown seed heads. Site: Salt & Wind TolerantPosition: Full sun or light shadeSoil: Moist, we...
Libertia Sunset Strain
Libertia Sunset Strain
Libertia Sunset Strain Libertia Sunset Strain is a dense clump-forming perennial with narrow green leathery leaves, sometimes turning orange-brown in winter with clusters of white flowers in late spring and early summer. Good for tropical planting effect. Excellent in containers. Position: Full sun or light shadeSoil: Well drainedFlowering Perio...
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari
Big Blue Lilyturf An evergreen, tuberous perennial, Liriope muscari forms a dense clump of rather grass-like, dark green leaves which spread, but not invasively. In mid- to late autumn, deep violet-purple flowers like tiny grapes are produced in a dense spike 1’/30cm tall; the flowers persist into November, and are a wonderful contrast to the ho...
Liriope muscari Moneymaker
Liriope muscari Moneymaker
Big Blue Lilyturf Moneymaker An attractive, late summer, tuberous perennial, very useful as part of a shady garden, Liriope muscari Moneymaker is a small, hardy, semi-evergreen perennial, which forms dense clumps of arching, strap-like, deep green leaves. In late summer and early autumn, dark stems emerge above the clump bearing whorled, purple ...
Liriope muscari Monroe White
Liriope muscari Monroe White
Liriope Monroe White A lovely little plant for a shady spot or woodland planting, Liriope muscari Monroe White is a small, evergreen, clump-forming perennial. The wide, strap-shaped leaves are deep green. From August to November, quite large, grape hyacinth-like, pure white flowers appear from greenish buds, and look wonderful against the foliag...
Liriope muscari variegata
Liriope muscari variegata
Variegated Lily Turf A charming little grass-like plant for bringing light into a shady part of the garden, Liriope muscari Variegata is a small, evergreen, clump-forming, perennial, similar to big blue lily turf, but with a less vigorous habit and brightly variegated leaves. It will slowly spread by means of its underground tubers, forming good...
Lobelia cardinalis Queen Victoria
Lobelia Queen Victoria Also called cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis Queen Victoria is a very striking plant, quite different from little blue bedding lobelias. It’s a clump-forming, often rather short-lived, herbaceous perennial with beautiful, beetroot-red, oblong leaves. In August and September, and into October, brilliant, five-petalled sc...
Lonicera americana
Lonicera americana
American Woodbine A very fragrant, free-flowering hybrid honeysuckle, Lonicera americana is a large, vigorous, evergreen to semi-evergreen, twining climber, which will need some support. The ovate leaves are deep green, and will stay on the plant all year in mild areas. In July and August, whorls of typical honeysuckle flowers open creamy-white,...
Levisticum officinale The word 'Lovage' comes from 'love-ache', 'ache' being a medieval name for parsley. This is a perennial herb with tall, smooth stems with dark green pinnate leaves, their scent reminiscent of strong celery and parsley, and yellow-green flowers in Summer. The leaves can be used in salads or as a seasoning in ...
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea - Snowy Woodrush An early-flowering woodland plant, Luzula nivea is a medium-sized, slowly spreading, evergreen woodrush, forming narrow tufts of upright, dark green leaves; these are edged with white hairs, giving a silvery appearance. Small heads of pretty, off-white flowers to 2’ (60cm) are produced in early summer. Snowy Wood...
Lysichiton camtschatcensis - White Skunk Cabbage
White Skunk Cabbage White arum-shaped flowers are an excellent pollen source for bees as they are in bloom so early in the year. Large striking dark green leaves follow. When the leaves are damaged it gives off a slightly offensive odour hence it’s common name of Skunk Cabbage. Lysichiton camtschatcensis is harmful if eaten and could be a skin &...
Lysimachia atropurpurea Beaujolais
Purple Loosestrife Beaujolais A very fashionable flower since appearing at Chelsea Flower Show in 2014, Lysimachia atropurpurea Beaujolais is a short-lived, deciduous, herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming, mildly spreading habit. The narrow, wavy-edged leaves, to 4”/10cm long, are a delicate silvery-green, making a lovely foil for the flowe...
Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny
Creeping Jenny Creeping Jenny is excellent for ground cover and blending in the edge of a pond as it will grow on dry ground and can float across the surface of the water. It will also hang gracefully from raised pond edges. A little more vigorous than the golden form, Lysimachia nummularia Aurea. Deciduous, native & attractive to bees. Posi...
Lythrum salicaria Robin
Lythrum salicaria Robin
Pink Loosestrife Robin A cultivar of our native purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria Robin is an upright, medium-sized, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial. It has copious narrow green leaves on erect stems, which are topped in late summer with by spectacular, long-flowering, spikes of bright, magenta-pink flowers. Pink loosestrife Robin is inv...